Here is a simple trick that I used to restart my python script after unhandled exception. Let’s say I have this simple script called that I want to run forever. It will just wait 2 seconds and…

reboot – Reboot a machine — Ansible Documentation Jul 21, 2020 bash - Restart a script if it stops without using crontab restart after daily kill. The kill script restarts the above wrapper script. A script running as a different user checks regularly whether the script is still running and restarts it if necessary. This does require sudo / su or a SUID binary, though, if this is not run by root.

Give it the name you want the command to be called (restart), followed by .bat (restart.bat), and make sure there is no .txt extension after the filename. If a dialog opens about changing the file extension, you did it the right way and click "Yes". Right click the file and click "Edit".

Batch files - Shutdown and Reboot

Here is the list of information included in a restart file, which means these quantities do not need to be re-specified in the input script that reads the restart file, though you can redefine many of these settings after the restart file is read. units. newton bond (see discussion of newton command below) atom style and atom_modify settings id

Restart workstations using a script - Windows Forum Jun 26, 2013 Script Restart CCMEXEC on Multiple machines Apr 02, 2016 How To Use a Simple Bash Script To Restart Server Programs Aug 30, 2012