We encourage you to review the privacy policies and settings on the social media sites you use to make sure you understand the information that is collected, used, and shared by those sites. Body and biometric Data – When you use our products, you might provide us with information about your body, such as your height or weight, or gait to

www.google.com https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en&gl=us HHS Privacy Policy Notice | HHS.gov If you have an account/profile with a third-party website, and choose to follow, like, friend, or comment on a third-party website managed by HHS, certain personal information associated with your account may be made available to us based on the privacy policies of the third-party website and your privacy settings within that website. Spectrum Privacy – Privacy Policy for Charter Communications Charter values your privacy rights, review our policies on guarding your privacy related to the use of Charter Spectrum services. Policies | Dell Canada

Jun 02, 2020

Jan 31, 2020 · While we make reasonable efforts to try to link only to websites that share our high standards and respect for privacy, we are not responsible for the content, security, or privacy practices employed by other websites. We encourage you to review the privacy statements posted on all websites you use/access.

Ensure privacy of organizations through our contractual agreements and by providing user control and transparency.

Ensure privacy of organizations through our contractual agreements and by providing user control and transparency. Terms & Policies | AVG Learn more about our terms, policies & commitment to protecting your privacy. We use cookies and similar technologies to recognize your repeat visits and preferences, to measure the effectiveness of campaigns, and improve our websites. Online privacy statement | HP® Official Site We encourage you to review the privacy policies and settings on the social media sites you use to make sure you understand the information that is collected, used, and shared by those sites. Body and biometric Data – When you use our products, you might provide us with information about your body, such as your height or weight, or gait to Welcome to the Oath Privacy Center | Oath Policies When you use third-party apps, websites or other products integrated with our Services, they may collect information about your activities subject to their own terms and privacy policies. We allow other companies that show advertisements on our webpages or apps to collect information from your browsers or devices.